Monday, October 29, 2012

Metacognition: Creativity in Classroom

                While writing the creativity in classroom essay, I approached it in many different directions to complete the job.  My thinking is really abstract. When I write and think about the prompt I do not like to make a detailed out line. If I make an outline this out line is very broad. When I have a detailed out line, I feel like my knowledge and the ability to expand my thinking is very limited.  I usually go with the flow and write down anything that pops in to my head. Although this might be much disorganized I make many drafts for the final material. It surprised me to see that my thinking was this abstract and not very structured. I feel like I am a very structured and organize thinker usually taking small steps to finish the material, but I learned thinking in a structured way limits my potential.
                I like how my thinking is very broad in the spectrum and I am not very limited. Not having a detailed structure helps me think out of the box and makes my thinking more open to opinions and ideas. I would define my thinking as a maze.  There are many detours and details that I add to make my thinking, in this case the paper, more detailed and more powerful, but the end goal is to get to the finish line. The end goal of the essay is argue my thesis, and in many cases, I believe I do it pretty well. Not having a very structured thinking doesn't limit me, and makes me more open for ideas. It will help me think more abstract and build a stronger argument on a paper.
                Although not having a detailed structure to my thinking may work for me, I believe having somewhat of the structure will benefit me in the long run. It will help me achieve a different level of thinking. The structure can change the content.  Having a small guide line I follow for my thinking will give me the chance to think more abstractly. A detailed structure to thinking might not work for me, but a small guide line might help me understand and gain more knowledge. An intelligent thinker is a divergent and convergent in thinking. Having a small structure can help me achieve this and make me a better thinker as well as a better writer. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Blogging Around

Jameson B.

I really liked your blog. In this blog, Jameson talks about the importance of rhythm in writing. Without rhythm and a beat, writing would seem like big, long, drawn out sentences that have no flow. Jameson talks about how many people forgot the importance of the sense of beat and emotion in writing. Writing is a way to get your message and emotion across. Without having a beat or a flow in writing it is hard to get that message across clearly. Rhythm in writing, as well in music, makes it interesting and helps communicate better to the listener or reader. Your blog really help me understand the importance of rhythm.

Annika S
Connection: Alan Alda and My Father.

The blog was very interesting. In this blog Annika talks about the similarities between her father and Alda. When I was reading the article Feynman was what stuck out. It is really cool how you felt the author had a larger impression on you. It is also cool how you mad the connection to your father. I like how you think your father and Alda have the same humor and philosophy pertaining to their career you connects Alda and your father in almost a humorous way. It is a very interesting read. The evidence and quote you had supported your statement. It helped me understand the mind of Alan Alda better. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Jameson B.

 Best of Week: Using Rhythm in Writing Sentences

I really liked your blog. In this blog, Jameson talks about the importance of rhythm in writing. Without rhythm and a beat, writing would seem like big, long, drawn out sentences that have no flow. Jameson talks about how many people forgot the importance of the sense of beat and emotion in writing. Writing is a way to get your message and emotion across. Without having a beat or a flow in writing it is hard to get that message across clearly. Rhythm in writing, as well in music, makes it interesting and helps communicate better to the listener or reader.

Annika S
Connection: Alan Alda and My Father.
In this blog Annika talks about the similarities between her father and Alda. When I was reading the article Feynman was what stuck out. It is really cool how you felt the author had a larger impression on you. It is also cool how you mad the connection to your father. I like how you think your father and Alda have the same humor and philosophy pertaining to their carreer. You connect Alda and your father in almost a humorous way. It is a very interesting read.